When Carlos reached out to us with the news of the proposal, we flipped out. We felt so honored he would want us there to capture it all. He and Natalia have been dating for a few years. They live together in Boston, Massachussetts. They make such a cute couple! Carlos planned for them to visit family here in Miami with the excuse/lie that his parent’s wedding anniversary was that same weekend. Natalia bought into the lie since she had no idea when his parent’s anniversary actually was. He told her that it was a really formal party taking place in Vizcaya Museum and Gardens so she would not suspect a thing. By the way, he chose one of our favorite venues here in Miami, FL. We were so excited!
As the day approached for the big proposal, we were all feeling the nerves. The weather is extremely unpredictable in the summer, so we were hoping for no rain, for Natalia not to suspect a thing, and for all to go according to plan. His parents and her parents along with his sister and both of their best friends, were hiding behind the stairs while JP and I had our backs turned towards the gardens. They approached the arch pictured above and Carlos was instructed to kneel on a spot we had marked on the ground to get that perfect shot and he kneeled like a pro! Natalia was surprised and her face radiated with joy and excitement. Carlos couldn’t have chosen a more beautiful location like Vizcaya here in Miami, FL. We were also happy that the rain did not fall until after we left Vizcaya. It was a perfect day, indeed!
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Hi there! Such a nice article, thank you!