We met Mollie and Aaron for their engagement shoot during our last trip to the big city. New York City this time of year is absolutely stunning. We took full advantage of the details, and light that beautifully hit the dome. We got to capture the fall colors, and weather which we seldom get to enjoy back home, in Miami. The New York Public Library took twelve years to build, and the day of it’s completion was considered the largest marble building built in the United States. The rich history, and detailed structure made it a dream to shoot. . We also took a stroll through the iconic Central Park because its fall leaves and colorful tile tied in with the feeling of our photos in the library.
Mollie and Aaron were a joy to capture. Their sincerity and kindness to one another is emulated in each picture. They looked simple and elegant, and we are excited to have reflected that timeless feel they represented!
Shot on Contaxt 645 | Processing by The Find Lab

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